Thursday, September 29, 2016

11 Myth You Always Believed That Are Not True

Myth 1. The Earth is orbiting around the Sun. 
                                 The Earth doesn't orbit around the Sun, it actually orbits around the Solar System's center of mass, known as the Barycenter. Although this point often falls within the mass of the Sun, it can also be shifted by the pull of other larger planets. Therefore, at least some of the time, everything in the solar system is orbiting around empty space.

MYTH 2. The tongue has different regions dedicated to different tastes
                                                                 The tongue doesn't have different regions dedicated to different tastes. Every single taste can be sensed on every part of your tongue.


MYTH 3. Chameleons change their colors to blend into their environment. 

                                                       While chameleons often do change their color to match that of their environment, they do it in order to communicate.

MYTH 4.  Napoleon was very short.

                                                           According to the average height of a French man, Napoleon was actually taller than the average.

MYTH 5. Dogs sweat through their tongue.

                                                      Dogs don't sweat through their tongue since most of their sweat glands are located in their foot pads. While panting does help keep them cool, panting doesn't mean that they're sweating.

MYTH 6.  People use only 10% of their brain.

                                                    People use their entire brain, we just use different parts of the brain at different times.

MYTH 7. You can see the Great Wall of China from space.

                                                  Even from a very low orbit of the International Space Station, the Great Wall is impossible to make out. While this myth is still found in old school textbooks, it was actually disproven by one of China's own astronauts, Yang Liwei.

MYTH 8. An apple falling on his head is what gave Isaac Newton the key to identifying gravity.

                                                           Though Newtown was partially responsible for the creation of this myth, he never really claimed that the apple fell on his head nor did he make any discoveries that would lead him to develop the theory of universal gravitation until nearly 20 years later.

MYTH 9.  Bulls hate the color red.
                                                 Bulls are actually color blind and generally react to the bull fighter's waving of the cloth rather than the actual color of the cloth.

MYTH 10. Camels store water in their humps.

                                                                 Camel humps are actually large mounds of fat, not water containers, which allow them to survive in extreme temperatures for long periods of time.

MYTH 11.  If you shoot the tank of a car, it'll explode.

                                                      This myth became famous with the help of Hollywood movies. In fact, for the car to explode by shooting the tank, the tank must be filled with more gas than gasoline because the gas will ignite from a hot bullet while the gasoline might not.


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